Legal Law

Report reveals Washington's global cyber deterrence strategy, says China

The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Wednesday said a large amount of evidence has shown that the U.S. government is advancing a cyber deterrence strategy across the globe, citing a report released by a Chinese cybersecurity firm.

The report, U.S. Cyber Security Threat Capacity Analysis, released by 360 on Wednesday, reveals how the U.S. government launches indiscriminate cyberattacks against countries around the world, including its allies.

Wang Wenbin, spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, said the report, using a number of detailed cases, has exposed how the U.S. government relies on its hegemonic position and monopoly to act recklessly in cyberspace, undermining international rules and order in cyberspace, endangering the peace and security of cyberspace and hurting the security and development interests of all countries, including China.

Read more:

China issues report on U.S. CIA’s cyberattacks on other countries

(Cover: A file photo of Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin. /Chinese Foreign Ministry)

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